Helen Gwinn is an artist living and working in New Mexico. Gwinn’s art, expressed in watermedia, collage, assemblages and clay reflects her life, including her love for the desert where she lives.

Gwinn’s recent concentration of works has evolved from her Envelope Series. They are colorful, highly textured works of art: The Cliff Gifts Series. The Cliff Gifts have a dimensionality that is new with the collaged portions built up in successive layers. Most of the Cliff Gifts contain packets or “gifts” which are folded, embellished and secured into the composition. The packets contain, hidden inside, special gifts from the artist, inspired by the composition. Additional embellishments of rocks, fetishes, wire, twine, beads, trinkets, etc. are often included. Presently, parallel to her watermedia collages, Gwinn is experimenting with clay and assemblage. The imagery in these pieces is true to her body of work that has focused on envelopes, packets and gifts. At the top of this page, you may click on the various pages of the site to see pictures of Gwinn’s works.